Thank heavens for my Vitamix!
A good blender is definitely a plus when you are whipping up diet shakes, but today I found that it’s just WONDERFUL when it comes to making the Medifast soft servedessert. I started out following the directions on the packet for obliterating the ice first. After a couple of whirls on high, it was like I had snow in the bottom of the blender. Very cool. And by the time the soft serve dessert was done, it was really difficult to imagine that this started out with some ice, some water, and a packet of powder! Of all of the Medifast products I’ve tried so far, this is really the coolest (pardon the pun).
Of course, there was also that microwave brownie from the other night – that was pretty awesome as well. My coach suggested that next time I splurge with one of my “optional snack” servings of peanut butter, and ice the warm brownie with peanut butter.
I DID say I’m on a diet. HONEST!