Thirty Days of Hope – Day 1
2 1/2 years ago I decided that I really needed to get my “baby fat” under control. After all, my baby was 13 years old! My journey to losing 35 pounds in just under five months (With a 2 1/2 week vacation to Europe in the middle) Inspired me to begin my journey towards becoming a Health Coach. Helping people not only lose weight, but also starting a path towards overall wellness, is much different than anything I’ve ever done in my business career. It has been very exciting! Today I am starting a 30 days of Hope Campaign to share the stories of a number of people who have been helped through this great business. Enjoy!

Typical results: Lose 2-5 pounds per weeks for first two weeks, and then 1-2 pounds per week thereafter.
If you want to know more, just put your email (and optionally phone number) in the box to the right, and I’ll get in touch with you!